Owen Gray, Accountant, Solon Marketing
WHO? Owen Gray! ROLE: Owen handles just about all of the accounting for Chimay USA via Solon Marketing. He has been a part of their team since April 2017. A native of Hershey PA, Owen studied Energy Business & Finance at Penn State University. BIGGEST WIN IN THE PAST YEAR: In the past year, Owen’s role has expanded widely. In addition to paying the bills, he took over the management of Chimay USA’s business development, budget management, and forecasting. “The books were a mess when I got here… now they’re all figured out!” Owen recalls. HOW? “Staying with stuff I didn’t know how to do right away was key”, Owen cites. “Chimay gave me increased responsibility, and a lot of that was just from being persistent and getting more work to do.” ICE CREAM OR PIZZA? Pizzeria Verità meatlover pizza! |
CHIMAY: Chimay Brewery of Belgium was founded in 1862 and is one of eleven trappist breweries in the world. Trappist beer is brewed by monks in monasteries. These breweries are also characterized by their humanitarian efforts, as Chimay uses their profits to support the monastery and charities alike. Before Chimay, Owen worked for an environmental consulting firm. “That was a really boring job…” he laughs. “Chimay is definitely more socially conscious as well.” CAN OWEN SEE THE FUTURE? “No 🙁 that’d be great though. It would help with problematic situations”, Owen jokes. “I wouldn’t mind doing some freelance small-business consulting in the future. I want to keep progressing here and then maybe start a side-hustle.” FUN: Owen is an avid skier. “I skied 30 days last year, and much of that was during a trip to France”, he remembers. “In the summer I like hiking and golfing.” |