Heather Dalton, Founder & CEO, StrollRunner
WHO? Heather Dalton, Founder & CEO of StrollRunner.
StrollRunner: “I’m bringing to market a running accessory that attaches to strollers so that parents can run hands free”
HOW: “I’ve hired out for a bunch of things, especially through connections I’ve made here.”
Being here has helped connect me with people that make it a lot easier for me to run the business, and source out things that other people are much better at than I am. I can then focus on the parts that I’m good at.”
BIGGEST WIN IN THE PAST YEAR: “My biggest win is getting into LaunchVT. It’s a funny story because it’s sort of a second chance. I wasn’t in the first choice for the cohort. I must have been a very close runner-up because there was a team that was unable to continue, and I got to step up and get in. It’s been amazing.”
GOALS: “I want to make an impact on the running community. I want to help people to suffer less in enjoying something that should be a therapy-type hobby for them.”
“I know first-hand how much it sucked to run with a stroller, and I just want to make it better for other people.”
BEST EATS: Heather is a native Vermonter, and knows some of the best spots to grab a bite to eat. “I love McGillicuddy’s in Williston. It’s kind of my Cheers. I can walk in, know someone, sit at the bar, be by myself or be with other people. It’s a comfy spot!”
FUN: “This is going to sound so cliché, but fun for me is working on this project. I was a mortgage loan officer for 17 years, and I ‘retired’ in January. It was the most freeing thing I’ve ever done. Getting to work on this project every day and start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where it’s actually going to come to market, and I’ll be able to watch people use it… that’s fun for me.”