Ezra Mount-Finette, ThinkMD
WHO? Ezra Mount-Finette of ThinkMD
ROLE: While THINKMD doesn’t embrace formal position titles, Ezra’s main responsibilities are with data & analytics. “We have a holacratic structure,” Ezra explains. “I like the structure. You have to have the right people to do it, but I’m pretty self-motivated”
THINKMD: A BTV startup that develops solutions for expanding and redistributing clinical assessment capacity via innovative and accurate technologies. THINKMD is on track to dramatically increase global access to primary healthcare and decentralize healthcare delivery.
BIGGEST WIN IN THE PAST YEAR: “In January we went to Zambia to train our most recent client, who focuses on training school-teachers to become school healthcare workers. They can provide clinical assessments using our technology.”
“That was a great experience,” says Ezra. “From a data perspective I’m able to work directly with their team to monitor the health of 21 schools right now… we’re able to monitor population health at scale.” Ezra explains other positive effects from bringing healthcare directly to these schools: “These kids don’t need to go and seek care at a clinic right away… they can just go to school. They’ve seen an increase of attendance at these schools.”
Ezra & THE FUTURE: “Short and long-term, we’re looking to automate everything. We can automatically alert programs for various population health metrics. If there’s a spike in anything that we should be aware of, the alerts can automatically be generated.”
“For something like this I’d probably create the alerts through Tableau, you can set up data equations to say if dehydration goes above 5% then send everyone an email. It sounds simple, but it’s been a pain in the ass,” Ezra chuckles.
BEST EATS: “I really like Everest. It’s Nepalese/Indian food. It’s pretty authentic, they have five or six types of bread that you can choose from.”
Ezra considers his overall spicyness: “I’ve developed a tolerance to spicy foods, and now everything I make has an underlying heat”
FUN: “I go to a lot of live music shows, in the summer I fish and golf. In the winter I ski. In my semi-free time I build stuff out of driftwood… it was tied to my senior year project. We had a big auction. Dr. Rob Williams helped me see the whole project through.”
“I make mobiles, made with fishing line. It’s all suspended by one point usually at the top, and it’s all balanced in a way that it looks like it’s all suspended in air.”