Chas Smith, Founder, Sap!
WHO? Chas Smith
ROLE: Chas is one of three co-founders of SAP! Beverages. Chas handles much of the day-to-day business and strategic planning of SAP!’s developing role in the beverage space. His cousin and co-founder, Nikita, handles much of the operations and execution. SAP! is a startup, and everyone still winds up doing a bit of everything.
BIGGEST WIN IN THE PAST YEAR: Chas cites his biggest accomplishment this year as becoming an identified brand that brings a health angle to the sparkling beverage industry. “To be acknowledged by Whole Foods gave us confidence… and we were able to build this thing our way, at our own pace” says Chas. SAP! Beverages are available from their website, Amazon, and Whole Foods of New England right now, and Whole Foods in the Mid-Atlantic starting September 1st. “We were careful not to expand too quickly, we don’t have that many resources to lose” Chas laughs. He is excited to expand SAP!’s relationship with major retailers moving forward.
HOW? “We’ve been really lucky in a lot of ways… Woodchuck Cider is where we make the product. We pretty much walked into the office of the CEO and asked if they would make this for us. That CEO not only helped us out and said yes, but became our biggest investor”. Chas knows that this all tied back the Vermont Ethos that SAP! seeks to perpetuate: help a fellow Vermonter by providing opportunity.
PIZZA OR ICE CREAM? “Pizza. The sneaky good pizza in Burlington is Ken’s Pizza”
FUN: “With SAP! we get to travel around a lot and do cool things, whether that’s spending time is in NYC or LA or Boston…. but my goal is still to be based out of Vermont and to enjoy what the state has to offer”. The BTV native remains active outdoors, and is very passionate about sustainable public policy in Vermont. Maybe the SAP! star should run for office – you have my endorsement!